Lindsey Hall and Leigh Cohn, who are married, are internationally respected authors of several books on eating disorders and recovery topics. Their original self-help guide was the first book ever published on bulimia, and Lindsey was the first "recovered bulimic" to appear on national television. Both have lectured extensively and have served as officers of nonprofit associations. Some of their books have been translated into French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, and other languages. Also available Anorexia Nervosa: A Guide to Recovery by Lindsey Hall and Monika Ostroff.

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Paperback, 179 pg, '01
Product Code: BSP
ISBN: 978-0-936077-38-3


Cómo Entender y Superar

Authors: Lindsey Hall, Leigh Cohn, M.A.T.


Spanish version of Bulimia: A Guide to Recovery

This guidebook offers advice and resources for understanding and overcoming bulimia (the binge-purge cycle). Each section includes answers to commonly asked questions, a true story of recovery, specific things to do that have worked for others, information on healthy eating and weight, and specific advice for loved ones. Useful for individuals with eating disorders, their families, educators, and therapists.

Translation in Spanish:

Estas gu'as son una herramienta amable para entender y vencer la anorexia nerviosa (la inanici—n autoinfligida) y la bulimia (el ciclo de comilona y purga). Cada libro incluye lo siguiente: respuestas a las preguntas m‡s comunes; una historia verdadera de un proceso de recuperaci—n; pasos espec'ficos para dar que han funcionado con otras personas; informaci—n sobre la alimentaci—n saludable y el peso saludable, y consejos espec'ficos para los seres queridos. Estos libros ser‡n de gran utilidad para personas con trastornos de la alimentaci—n y sus familias, as' como para educadores y terapeutas.